Lena L.
"I train with Natasha at Beyond Physical Fitness and love it. She is a wonderful trainer who has an amazing rapport with her clients. I am not a person who loves going to the gym but she makes it fun and customizes my workout to fit my needs. I can definitely say that I have benefited in body and mind in my experience at Beyond Physical Fitness."
Byron B.
"I did personal training from Sept 2016-Feb 2017. One of my church members started going. He was already a relative average size guy. After seeing his transformation into a younger version of "Sidney Poitier" in about 9 months (at time he was about 67) I decided to sign up because I wanted what he had and my goal was to find a better way to fix my own individual workout plan that was not working. At my best guess depending on the time and place of stepping on a scale, I was anywhere from 270-280. My height 6'2" actually masked me being way overweight. Taking the stairs at work was a challenge everyday. After going through my personal training and changing my eating habits, I was able to get down to 253. My energy increased, I got stronger, and found muscle mass I had in high school. My goal is still 230 and I should be there by January 2018. Working out is a lifestyle change. Personal training will help you get there. The key is to be patient and the change will come"
Jewel M.
"As of April 2017 I have been a client of Beyond Physical Fitness and Natasha Renette for 2 years. At age 66 I began a regular and rigorous routine of physical exercise under the direction and supervision of Natasha at the BPF location in Duncanville. Initially, the 30 minute sessions, 3 times per week were a real challenge. The good news is: I got amazing results right from the start. I lost approximately 7 pounds in the first 90 days. Natasha was a consistent and very professional coach and motivator. I got no pity for my age. I soon began to notice that my clothes sizes were dropping. During the 2 year period I have dropped a total of 3 suit sizes (from 44R to 38 slim fit). My weight has reduced by almost 25 pounds and has maintained while growing in muscle mass. A real surprise for someone who is now 68 with biceps for the first time in my life. I now mow and maintain my own lawn for the first time in 20 years. A highpoint in my work with Natasha was last year when, for the first time in my life, I was able to run 1.25 miles nonstop. I am pleased that I have been an inspiration for several friends and church members to join the gym and start working out in their senior years. I'm obviously sold on the gym and its staff."
Yolanda M.
"Last summer, I was sitting in my room, meditating on how I could be a better steward of my body. I was seeing positive results from medical treatment. I knew that exercise was contributing to those positive results. A friend told me about Natasha. I read about Natasha and Beyond Physical Fitness (BPF) on the internet. In the back of my mind, I thought it would be nice to have someone help me. However, the thought seemed so remote and I thought that I couldn't afford it anyway. However, I didn't totally dismiss the thought of getting some help. The expressive cartoon avatar that I created for myself, at the beginning of the new year, has a slogan that says, 'New year, new me.' Natasha's name came up again at the beginning of the new year. A friend mentioned that she had contacted Natasha and signed up for workout sessions. My friend was very pleased with the training sessions. I decided to send an email inquiry to Natasha. She promptly and pleasantly replied. She gave me additional information that was very helpful. Subsequently, another friend mentioned that she and her husband workout with Natasha and are pleased with their training sessions. I decided to 'give it a try'. God has worked things out so smoothly for me...(HE does all things well Mark 7:37) My work schedule has changed, so that it is convenient for me to have workout sessions with Natasha and BPF is close. I am amazed that I never feel sore when I finish my training sessions. I am learning so much from Natasha. I like the equipment at BPF. I like the atmosphere of BPF. I am learning the correct form for exercising. Natasha is personable, patient, encouraging, and polite. I was hoping that I would see results from my training sessions. However, I am pleasantly surprised how quickly I am seeing results and that is encouraging. I look forward to going to my training sessions. I feel great after each session. I am thankful for the results I have seen in this short time frame and I look forward to continued positive results. I am now wearing clothes that I 1) haven't worn in years and 2) was ready to give away because they were too small. I'm enjoying my 'new' old clothes. I have taken some pants to get them cut down due to the inches that I have lost. What a blessing. 'He does all things well' I am thankful for my connection with Natasha and BPF. 'We have not because we ask not. James 4:3' I am asking (praying) for and looking forward to continued success"
Heidi M.
"Wow, I don’t know where to start in recommending Natasha…this was my first experience with a personal trainer, and I feel so fortunate to have found Natasha. I think what holds most people back from getting a personal trainer is the expense…however, having worked out with Natasha for over 2 months now, I can honestly say that it is one of the most important decisions of my life. I only wish that I had done it sooner. She is worth her weight in gold!!! After years of knee injuries and four consecutive births, my body was feeling weak and run-down. Natasha has been incredibly conscientious of my injuries and limitations, yet challenged me more than I have ever been challenged before. Our workouts are always different, so you avoid the monotony that you often feel when you go to the gym. She has taught me how to use weights, machines, and my body alone to strengthen and slim. I am truly amazed at how much stronger I’ve become and I’ve lost almost 20 pounds! After 2 months of working out, I lost almost 5 inches around my waist. I feel so much stronger and energetic. Maybe most importantly, working out with Natasha has helped me be consistent about working out and eating well. I am one of those people that will make a good run at eating right and working out, all to fall off of the wagon 3 weeks later and go running into the other direction, namely the direction of the nearest bakery!!! I have been going through this cycle since the birth of my second child 5 years ago. The more weight I would gain, the harder it seemed to stick with anything b/c I felt hopeless. Natasha has helped me break this cycle – hopefully for good! Thank you, Natasha…I am more grateful than you know!!!"
Kittie B.
"I feel so GOOD! It's only been 2 months of training and already my body is changing...When I first started, even though I felt determined to be more fit, it was emotionally hard to show up at the gym looking like I do. I've completely overcome that in the short time we've been working together! I love feeling good and I actually look forward to my time at the gym. One of the fringe benefits has been the change in my skin: smoother and more hydrated! I'm looking forward to continuing our sessions and I thank you for caring and being a part of my goal to physically be the best I can be!"
Jasmine G.
"I am 16 years old. I have lost 35 pounds while working out with Natasha. I have gone from a size 19 to 14 pants size. My starting weight was 213 and today my weight is 178 lbs. Feel the pain now, LOVE how you look after"
Taneka S.
"I have not worn shorts in 2 years and guess what, I rocked them yesterday!!! Thanks Tasha"
Ursela M.
"Since working out with Natasha I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks!"
Keira B.
"I went shopping for SMALLER pants!"
James A.
"I worked out with Natasha for 6 weeks with a promotion the gym was having...The sessions were only 30 minutes but she made sure we used all of that time. In the 30 minute sessions I felt that Natasha gave me a work out that I didn't get when I was at the gym for more than an hour. Natasha's work out plan seemed to be specific to what I wanted to accomplish and was not just a generic work out plan for anyone, and that is what I liked most...During the 6 weeks of training with Natasha, I lost about 16 pounds and noticed my clothes were fitting much better...Natasha helped put me back on the right track to living a more healthy and fit life. I have kept up with my work outs and healthy eating and have seen more weight loss and feel healthier. I think Natasha is an excellent personal trainer and has the attitude and knowledge to be able to motivate anyone to help get them to their fitness and health goals."
Pancie F.
"Natasha, Just wanted to drop you a few lines about how GREAT I am looking. I have lost so much weight and I can't believe it. When I came to you I was wearing sizes 12-14. Now I am wearing a size 8 and my 10s are falling off of me..."
Lynn P.
"I was diagnosed with diabetes in July 2004. I took about a week to feel sorry for myself, then began to follow the instructions given by my physician. Number one was to eat right. Number two was exercise. Thank God for Natasha. I began w/ Beyond Physical Fitness at a size 12. I now wear an 8. My diabetes is under control & I've never been healthier or looked better. You, your friends, and family will see the difference. If you're looking for an exercise program, look at Natasha first. Start now!"
Karen O.
"I have always been athletic but never realized I played organized sports out of shape. I feel absolutely great! I receive compliments from peers, friends and family constantly." After 3 months of personal training, she lost 13.5 pounds.
Crystal M.
"I love the workout & I feel great after I get done & I've lost 11 and a half pounds in 7 weeks!"
Becki W.
"I lost 9 pounds in 3 and a half weeks! I love it!" After 3 months of personal training, she lost a total of 25.5 pounds.
Zena J.
"Before I began my workout routine with Ms. Handy, my blood pressure was high, I was borderline diabetic, and I had been diagnosed as anemic. After three months of strenuous weight training and physical cardio fitness, my health report came back excellent with no signs of diabetes or anemia and my blood pressure is back to normal with managed care."
Demetria B.
"Natasha's great attitude keeps me motivated. Telling me to pray when I am having difficulty was awesome & changed my life!"
Lemetria B.
"Natasha is great. I always enjoy her workouts no matter what it looks like."
Yolanda R.
"Natasha, thank you for working with me during the last month. My experience of these personal training sessions really was one "Beyond Physical Fitness." As you know, my brother was diagnosed with cancer shortly after I started training with you. My normal coping mechanism is to eat out of control during times of stress. Working out with you allowed me to experience your wonderful Christian and caring compassion. Exercising allowed me to relieve some stress and to not gain an inordinate amount of weight. Although I didn't lose a significant amount of weight or inches, I am grateful that by working out with you I was able to acquire more muscle strength and flexibility, in addition to endurance and ability to relieve stress. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you"--Yoli.
I Corinthians 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
Beyond Physical Fitness
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